With a career spanning decades, Toney Berenyi is a seasoned engineer and commercial construction executive. His expertise is deeply rooted in the complexities of large-scale projects, honed through successful collaborations with industry giants across the United States.

Berenyi’s impressive track record includes delivering high-profile developments for renowned companies, demonstrating a profound understanding of both technical engineering principles and the dynamic commercial landscape.

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MeetTony Berenyi
Founder and President

Founded by Tony Berenyi, a successful business owner, talented engineer, proven motivational coach, and decorated war veteran, our organization and its clients benefit from his unique ability to connect with people. Tony excels in helping individuals channel their imagination, develop action-oriented plans, and achieve their desired results. His presence and laser-focused approach have greatly benefited his clients, earning him numerous accolades, awards, and business opportunities. These accomplishments have propelled him to the pinnacle of his career in the dynamic design-build industry and fueled his passion for consulting and coaching.

Named SC Biz News #1 GC 2022

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